Monday, August 24, 2009

Types of Finger Prints:

There are three major types of prints people leave on surfaces. These three would be:

You cannot see latent prints with the naked eye.
They are formed from the sweat from sebaceous
glands on the body or water, salt, amino acids and
oils contained in sweat. The sweat and fluids create
prints must be developed before they can be seen
or photographed. They can be made sufficiently
visible by dusting, fuming or chemical reagents.

Also known as impressed prints, plastic
prints are indentations left into surfaces
that are soft such as clay, paint, wax, etc.
They do not need to be developed; you
can see them right on the surfaces.

Direct prints can be seen right on surfaces
without any modifications. Most times
these prints are photographed instead of
lifted so that you don't risk messing up the
print. You can often find these fingerprints
from ink, dust and blood.


  1. The definitions for each type of fingerprints are really consice and very understandable. good job!

  2. The definitions are very understandable and the pictures really help show what that type of print would look like.
